GHWIC Year 3 Comprehensive Report

The Coordinating Center for Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (CCG) has the goals to collaborate with fellow recipients to fostering peer-to-peer learning, share best or promising practices, coordinate local communication and evaluation efforts, and document success stories with measurable impact. The focus of the GHWIC evaluation centers on compiling national GHWIC network data and improving the cultural relevance of programming and Indigenous methodologies.

The Year 3 Comprehensive Report was completed and disseminated in the fall of 2023 by the CCG in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report summarizes the cumulative progress of all 28 Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) recipients for the first three years of the 5-year cooperative agreement.

In the report, CCG used performance measure data, success stories, photos, and quotes to report on the achievements of all 28 recipients across the GHWIC network. The evaluation findings focus on the following strategies: Obesity Prevention, Commercial Tobacco Prevention and Control, Diabetes Prevention, and Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention. The report includes the overall community reach of the GHWIC network, which includes 16 Component 1 (C1) recipients, 11 Component 2 (C2) recipients, and one Component 3 (C3) recipient. Additionally, the C2 recipients supported 95 subawardees to work on GHWIC strategies.

GHWIC recipients had significant success in year 3 implementing strategies to prevent and manage chronic illness in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) and urban Indian communities. In year 3, C1 recipients and C2 subawardees succeeded in increasing the community members reached across all four GHWIC strategies. The year 3 results demonstrate substantial growth of community reach of GHWIC work in AI/AN communities.

Coordinating Center for GHWIC (CCG)
Anchorage, AK