Oklahoma City Indian Clinic Success Story: Pregnancy Program and Wellness Center

Oklahoma City Indian Clinic Pregnancy Program Participant Testimonial

“The Oklahoma City Indian Clinic (OKIC) pregnancy program was very helpful throughout my pregnancy to lead to a happy and healthy baby. Being a first time mom I was looking for any and all nutrition and physical activity information to have healthy baby. It was great to be able to talk to a dietitian about what foods I need to eat and watch out for throughout my pregnancy. This helped me as I navigated each stage of pregnancy.

As my body changed throughout pregnancy it was great to work with a trainer for workouts that would be safe for me throughout my pregnancy and would work with my aches and pains.

The most beneficial support was with breastfeeding education to be able to prepare for breastfeeding success after baby arrived. Education on how to latch, different feeding positions and troubleshooting tips. They also helped with education for pumping for returning to work to make sure my baby is still well feed while I’m away.

I am very thankful for all of the education and support I have received from Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program.”

Program Participant

Oklahoma City Indian Clinic Wellness Center Testimonial

Catalina is a 23-year-old elementary school teacher. She has been training since the clinic and Wellness Center reopened after Covid-19 lockdowns. Catalina did not have a weight loss goal, but her goal was to actually get stronger to help with her day-to-day life and her favorite hobby of rock climbing!

When she first started, she was squatting around 65 pounds (a strength exercise in which the trainee lowers their hips from a standing position and then stands back up). That number is now up to 135 pounds.

Her deadlift (a weight training exercise in which a loaded barbell or bar is lifted off the ground to the level of the hips) went from 65 pounds to 205 pounds, and her bench (a weight-lifting exercise, performed while one is lying on a bench with the feet on the floor) went from 45 to 95 pounds!

Catalina has really enjoyed learning and making working out a part of her everyday life. Since she has started she has gained 7 pounds of muscle and has drastically improved all of her lifts. She used the Wellness Center services to help prepare her for a hike at the Grand Canyon and recently a trip to Ecuador.

Interview with Catalina:

How has the Wellness Center helped you in everyday life?
Catalina: “It has given me a fun and free place to work on my physical health. A lot of the exercises translate to real life.”

What improvements, if any, have you experienced?
Catalina: “My overall physical strength and endurance has improved a lot! Things I do in my everyday life have gotten easier and I have more energy!”

What would you say to anyone who is on the fence about coming to the Wellness Center?
Catalina: “I would say to come! It is a great place to start working on yourself! Just working on getting into a healthy lifestyle is so important!”

In closing, do you have anything you’d like to say about the Wellness Center?
Catalina: “I really appreciate the wellness center and all the people here! It’s a great place to learn and use equipment.”