Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (South Dakota): Commercial Tobacco-Free Policies and Commercial Tobacco Cessation Interventions

The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe put forth a health education and prevention activity to both educate and bring awareness of tobacco intervention and cessation resources. The residents who live on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation are the target community, giving this program a potential reach of approximately 9,300 individuals. This 2020-2021 Good Health & Wellness project was in collaboration with 20 active coalition members.

The contractor, Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc. (Missouri Breaks) partnered with a local school on a “Take Down Tobacco” event, in which 80 students participated. During this event, students learned about the harmful effects of commercial tobacco and the tradition of Cansasa (traditional tobacco used for ceremonial and medicinal purposes only). The event included presenting an educational video where a parent and teen from the school responded and reacted to questions about vaping.

Vaping Quiz for Teens and Parents

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (South Dakota): Breastfeeding Support Services

The purpose of this health education and prevention activity was to establish 5 Mother’s Rooms and draft a Tribal breastfeeding policy.  The residents who live on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation are target community. This 2020-2021 Good Health & Wellness project was in collaboration with 20 active coalition members with a reach of approximately 9,300 individuals.

The contractor, Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc. (Missouri Breaks) collaborated with three schools, the local newspaper on Main Street, and a Head Start program, to bring Mother’s Rooms to each of these spaces. Within each of these facilities, Mother’s rooms provide designated comfortable private space for mothers to comfortably breastfeed and care for their babies. Missouri Breaks also partnered with the Public Health Law Center to draft a policy that was also reviewed and approved by the Health Committee.

Missouri Breaks created its Facebook group, Wicozani Waste Oyanke, as a way to share health education tips and have community members engage with each other to promote and celebrate healthy behaviors. In Year 1, Missouri Breaks began planning for billboards with information on local breastfeeding. In Year 2, after identifying partners, Missouri Breaks drafted land agreements, found a contractor, and secured supplies; now, billboards can be viewed by community members.

This video documents Missouri Break’s breastfeeding advocacy work.

 “We are most proud of establishing five Mother’s Rooms in our community. Being involved in the initial discussions all the way through actually setting up some of the rooms was very rewarding and we believe this initiative will make a difference.”

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Staff