Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska (Q Tribe) Success Story: Self Measured Blood Pressure (SMBP)

In the second year of GHWIC, the Qawalangin Tribe (Q Tribe) piloted a Self Measured Blood Pressure (SMBP) monitoring program based on the American Heart Association’s Check. Change. Control. ® (CCC) program. CCC is a four-month long blood pressure management program that encourages participants to check their blood pressure and shares helpful information about ways participants can change their lifestyle and work with their health care provider to control their high blood pressure. The Q Tribe worked closely with the American Heart Association to adapt CCC program materials into a concise hard copy guide which was shared widely with clinic and city partners as well as with participants at Heart Health Craft Nights.

The Q Tribe met regularly with local clinicians to align programming and better understand community health needs. Clinicians expressed the need for blood pressure monitoring stations within their community and in collaboration with the American Heart Association, the Q Tribe expanded set up of the self-monitoring stations to the community recreation center, pool, library, and Tribe office.

The Q Tribe would like to thank the City of Unalaska, its clinical partners, and the American Heart Association. Without their support, community engagement in the SMBP CCC program would not have been possible.

You can read more about the Q Tribe’s work with the American Heart Association here:

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